Protecting the Health of Your Clients, Employees and Especially Your Family

Protecting the Health of Your Clients, Employees and Especially Your Family

“The path to protecting your health is a journey, one that positively impacts your environment with every small change you make.”

In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience often takes precedence over protecting our health, it’s easy to overlook the impact of chemicals on our well-being. However, as awareness grows about the potential risks associated with synthetic chemicals, many individuals are reevaluating their lifestyle choices and opting for a chemical-free approach to living.

Switching to natural products and embracing a chemical-free lifestyle isn’t just a passing trend—it’s a conscious decision to prioritise the health and safety of our families and our environment. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of being mindful of what influences our health, particularly in our family and work environments, and how adopting a chemical-free lifestyle can make a positive difference in protecting the health.


The Chemical Overload

Our daily lives are inundated with chemicals, from the cleaning products we use in our homes to the food we consume and the air we breathe. However, what many people fail to realise is the cumulative effect of prolonged exposure to these chemicals and the potential health risks they pose.

Despite assumptions that regulatory authorities are safeguarding our well-being, the reality is that many chemicals used in commercial products have not undergone adequate testing for long-term health impacts. This lack of oversight means that consumers must take responsibility for minimising their exposure to harmful substances and making informed choices about the products they use, all in the pursuit of protecting the health.

Why We Need to Think About It

The consequences of chemical exposure are far-reaching and can affect every aspect of our health. From reproductive issues and hormonal imbalances to respiratory problems and neurological disorders, the impact of synthetic chemicals on human health is undeniable.

Women, in particular, are vulnerable due to their increased use of cosmetics and household cleaning products. Additionally, children, with their smaller bodies and higher levels of exposure, are especially at risk. By swapping to natural products, we can take proactive steps in protecting the health of our loved ones.

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HPA_Premium Surface Protection

Understanding PSP Products

Premium Surface Protection is renowned for its advanced surface protection solutions, which are designed to shield various surfaces from stains, spills, and damage while promoting a cleaner and healthier living environment. Let’s take a closer look at PSP’s core products and how they work to contribute to protecting the health:


MicroSeal is a groundbreaking protective treatment that penetrates deep into the fibres of fabrics, carpets, and upholstery, forming a durable barrier that repels liquids and prevents stains, thus protecting the health. Unlike traditional surface treatments that merely coat the surface, MicroSeal works at the molecular level, bonding with the fibers to create an invisible shield that resists soiling and UV damage.

The key to MicroSeal’s effectiveness lies in its unique formula, which utilises advanced nanotechnology to create a hydrophobic barrier, effectively protecting the health. This barrier repels liquids, preventing them from being absorbed into the material and causing permanent damage. Additionally, MicroSeal’s UV inhibitors help protect fabrics from fading and discoloration, ensuring long-lasting beauty and durability.

Fiber Protector

Fiber Protector is specifically formulated to safeguard natural and synthetic fibres from stains, spills, and discolouration, thus contributing to protecting the health. Similar to MicroSeal, Fiber Protector creates a hydrophobic barrier that repels liquids and prevents them from penetrating the material. However, Fiber Protector is versatile enough to be used on a wide range of surfaces, including upholstery, drapery, and outdoor fabrics.

What sets Fiber Protector apart is its ability to provide long-lasting protection without altering the texture or appearance of the material, which is essential for protecting the health. Unlike conventional surface treatments that can leave behind a sticky residue or alter the feel of fabrics, Fiber Protector maintains the natural look and feel of the surface while enhancing its durability and stain resistance.

Fire Defender

Fire Defender is a revolutionary fire-retardant solution designed to enhance the safety and resilience of fabrics and textiles, thus protecting the health. By inhibiting the spread of flames and reducing the risk of fire damage, Fire Defender provides added peace of mind for homeowners, business owners, and facility managers.

Fire Defender’s advanced formula works by forming a protective barrier that prevents flames from spreading across the surface, thus protecting the health. This barrier acts as a shield, slowing down the combustion process and giving occupants more time to evacuate safely. Additionally, Fire Defender is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, making it an ideal choice for those seeking fire protection solutions that prioritise safety and sustainability.

PSP – Superior Protection

PSP’s products offer unparalleled protection against stains, spills, and damage, ensuring that surfaces remain clean, pristine, and free from permanent blemishes, which is essential for protecting the health.

Long-Lasting Durability: Thanks to their advanced formulas and innovative technology, our products provide long-lasting protection that withstands the test of time, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance, thus contributing to protecting the health.

Environmentally Friendly: We are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility, which is why our products are non-toxic, biodegradable, and safe for use around people, pets, and the planet, thus protecting the health.

Versatile Applications: Whether you need to protect carpets, upholstery, fabrics, or textiles, our products offer versatile solutions that meet a wide range of needs and applications, thus contributing to protecting the health.

Premium Surface Protection’s products are not just surface treatments—they’re innovative solutions that redefine the way we protect and preserve our living spaces. With their advanced formulas, superior performance, and commitment to sustainability, PSP’s products are the ideal choice for those seeking effective, safe, and environmentally friendly surface protection solutions. Embrace a chemical-free lifestyle with PSP and experience the difference for yourself, all while protecting the health of your loved ones.

Fabric Protector NZ

Not all fabric protectors are made equal, effective or safe. Premium Surface Protection products, Fiber ProTector and MicroSeal, are the safest, most effective furniture protection solutions in the world.
Where do I find a professional fabric protector company in NZ?

Premium Surface Protection have a national list of qualified applicators who use Fiber ProTector and MicroSeal protection solutions.
Just contact us for an Applicator nearest you home or business.

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“Hi Brad, A Customer just called to pass on his thanks to you and the team, said you were very professional and personable, and they couldn’t be more grateful to you.
Really appreciate it, what excellent feedback!”

Imogen Angus | Assistant Manager – KING Auckland

Circular Economy Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Circular Economy Solutions for a Sustainable Future

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”Robert Swan

In the contemporary landscape of heightened environmental awareness and sustainability concerns, the circular economy has emerged as a pivotal framework for driving transformative change. Within this context, Premium Surface Protection (PSP) strives to be a beacon of innovation, offering advanced solutions that not only enhance surface longevity but also contribute to the overarching goals of a circular economy. This piece explores the symbiotic relationship between surface protection and the circular economy, delving into the technical intricacies of preservation and its alignment with sustainable practices.


Understanding the Circular Economy

At its core, the circular economy represents a departure from the linear ‘take-make-dispose’ model towards a more holistic approach of resource management. It emphasises the principles of waste minimisation, resource efficiency, and regenerative design, aiming to create closed-loop systems where materials are reused, recycled, or regenerated. By prioritising longevity, reuse, and regeneration, the circular economy seeks to mitigate the environmental impacts of traditional consumption patterns and foster a more sustainable future.

The Role of Premium Surface Protection

PSP operates at the intersection of innovation and sustainability, offering cutting-edge solutions that address the challenges of surface preservation within the circular economy framework. Our products are engineered to extend the lifespan of surfaces, reduce maintenance requirements, and minimise the need for premature replacements. By employing advanced formulations and application techniques, we provide durable protection against wear, tear, and environmental degradation, thus enhancing the sustainability of built environments.

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HPA_Premium Surface Protection

Technical Insights

At the heart of PSP’s offerings lies a commitment to technical excellence and environmental responsibility. Our protective coatings leverage state-of-the-art technologies to create impermeable barriers that shield surfaces from moisture, stains, and microbial growth. By harnessing the principles of nanotechnology and surface chemistry, we achieve unparalleled levels of durability and performance, while minimising environmental impact. Furthermore, our products are formulated to be non-toxic, eco-friendly, and compliant with stringent environmental regulations.


Circular Economy Applications

The applications of PSP extend across a diverse range of industries and sectors, each contributing to the overarching goals of the circular economy. In the built environment, our products play a vital role in extending the lifespan of architectural surfaces, reducing maintenance costs, and minimising resource consumption. From commercial buildings to residential spaces, our protective coatings help preserve the integrity and aesthetics of surfaces, thus promoting sustainable practices in construction and design.


Premium Rug Cleaning – Enhancing Circular Economy Practices

In our commitment to promoting sustainable practices and contributing to the circular economy, we established Premium Rug Cleaning (PRC) as an integral part of our brand’s ecosystem. PRC complements our surface protection solutions by extending the lifespan of rugs that have not been protected, thereby reducing waste and promoting resource efficiency. Circular economy principles emphasise the importance of keeping products and materials in circulation at their highest value. With PRC, we adopt this principle by offering comprehensive cleaning, restoration and protection services for rugs and carpets, ensuring that these valuable assets are maintained and preserved for longer periods.

Our approach to rug cleaning involves eco-friendly methods and advanced techniques that prioritise both effectiveness and environmental sustainability. By utilising biodegradable cleaning agents and water-saving processes, we minimise our ecological footprint while delivering exceptional results. Furthermore, PRC encourages customers to consider repair and refurbishment options before opting for replacement. By promoting repairability and reuse, we contribute to the reduction of waste generated in landfill by discarded rugs and carpets, aligning with the circular economy’s goal of waste elimination.


Driving Sustainable Solutions

PSP is committed to driving sustainable solutions that align with the principles of the circular economy. Through continuous research and development, we strive to innovate and evolve our products to meet the evolving needs of our customers and the planet. By promoting durability, reusability, and resource efficiency, we aim to catalyse a paradigm shift towards a more sustainable and regenerative future. Our partnerships with industry stakeholders, research institutions, and environmental organisations further underscore our commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Through our unwavering dedication to technical excellence, environmental responsibility, and innovation, we continue to redefine the boundaries of surface preservation and sustainability. As we navigate the complexities of 2024, let us embrace the transformative power of the circular economy and work together towards a brighter, greener future for generations to come.

Fabric Protector NZ

Not all fabric protectors are made equal, effective or safe. Premium Surface Protection products, Fiber ProTector and MicroSeal, are the safest, most effective furniture protection solutions in the world.
Where do I find a professional fabric protector company in NZ?

Premium Surface Protection have a national list of qualified applicators who use Fiber ProTector and MicroSeal protection solutions.
Just contact us for an Applicator nearest you home or business.

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“Hi Brad, A Customer just called to pass on his thanks to you and the team, said you were very professional and personable, and they couldn’t be more grateful to you.
Really appreciate it, what excellent feedback!”

Imogen Angus | Assistant Manager – KING Auckland

Non-Toxic Living: Protecting Your Health and the Environment

Non-Toxic Living:

Protecting Your Health and the Environment

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of non-toxic living has become increasingly crucial


Living in a non-toxic environment isn’t just about being trendy; it’s about safeguarding our health. The chemicals found in everyday cleaning sprays, surface cleaners, and upholstery treatments can have profound effects on our bodies. From respiratory issues to skin irritations, these chemicals can wreak havoc on our health over time, leading to chronic conditions and compromising our immune systems. Moreover, prolonged exposure to toxic substances can also pose serious risks to our pets or even office employees, exacerbating allergies and respiratory ailments.


At Premium Surface Protection (PSP), we recognise the importance of creating spaces that promote well-being and sustainability. Our non-toxic products are designed to address these concerns, offering a safe and effective solution for protecting your fibres without compromising your health. With PSP products, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home or workspace is free from harmful chemicals, contributing to a healthier environment for everyone.


It’s about making conscious decisions to reduce the toxins we consume and create a healthier environment for ourselves and our loved one.


But what sets PSP apart? Our commitment to non-toxicity goes beyond mere claims; it’s backed by accredited product testing and certification. We understand the importance of transparency and accountability, which is why our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the highest standards of safety and performance.


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HPA_Premium Surface Protection


One such accreditation that underscores our dedication to non-toxic living is the WoolSafe Organisation certification. Based in London, England, WoolSafe conducts comprehensive tests to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of textile treatments like Fiber ProTector, Decorgard, and WonderSpot. These tests assess various performance vectors, including resistance against oil and water-based contaminants, colour retention, and texture preservation. The result? Peace of mind for homeowners and industry specialists alike, knowing that PSP products have met stringent quality standards.

Our commitment to non-toxic living is further reinforced by independent laboratory testing and certification. From Fluorocarbons (PFOA & PFOS) Content Tests to Skin Patch Tests and Bacteriostatic Reduction Tests, our products have consistently demonstrated their safety and efficacy. For instance, Fiber ProTector has been proven to be free from harmful substances like perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), making it a trusted choice for health-conscious consumers.






  Fluorocarbons (PFOA & PFOS) Content Test
This test was conducted by FITI, the Institute of Quality Assurance Testing of Geosynthetics and Environmental Analysis. The Fluorocarbons Content Test shows PFOS & PFOA were not detected in Fiber ProTector.
Fiber ProTector does NOT contain any perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) or any perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS).

  Skin Patch Test
This test performed by Katri, shows that no skin irritation was detected when testing 20 individuals. Cotton fabric samples were soaked with Fiber ProTector and dried. The dried samples were placed on the forearms of 20 test subjects. After 24 hours the patches were removed, and the test subjects’ forearms were examined.
There were no reactions or any visible change to the areas of skin tested.

  Bacteriostatic Reduction Test
This bacteriostatic test was performed by FITI, the Institute of Quality Assurance Testing of Geosynthetics and Environmental Analysis. Fiber ProTector treated fabric samples were tested alongside untreated fabric samples containing Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae, then incubated for 18 hours. The untreated samples had a significant increase in bacterial growth.
The Fiber ProTector treated samples had a 99.9% reduction of both bacteria.

  Antimicrobial Test
This antimicrobial test was performed by Gary Brierley who is an environmental scientist with specialist knowledge in fluvial geomorphology and is Chair of Physical Geography, School of Geography and Environmental Science, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. This test was used to determine the antimicrobial effect of a Fiber ProTector treated fabric. Environmental bacteria was added to the 2 textile cloth samples.
After 24 hours, the Fiber ProTector sample was very effective in reducing the level of environmental bacteria.

  IMO Smoke & Toxicity Fire Test on Fire Retardant Carpet
SINTEF is Norway’s largest research institute for energy and climate technology. They have leading experts & labs for testing environmentally friendly buildings, renewable energy, oil pollution control, clean water, adaptation to climate change and the capture, transport and storage of CO2. They performed 3 IMO FTPC Part 2 “Smoke and Toxicity Tests” on Fire Retardant Trevira CS fabric treated with Fiber Protector. The results showed NO change to the Fire Retardant & met the criteria to materials with low smoke production and low smoke toxicity.

  Carpet Flammability Test Certificate
Lufthansa Technik, a subsidiary of the Lufthansa Group, provides maintenance, completions, repair, & overhaul (MRO) services for aircraft, and maintenance, repair, and MRO services for engines and components. Lufthansa tested 2 different carpets treated with Fiber ProTector for use in their aircraft.
Both protected carpets passed the Flammability Test for FAA Certification.

  Fire Certification Statement
Det Norske Veritas is a free-standing, autonomous and independent foundation whose purpose is to safeguard life, property & the environment. They certified the fire technical properties of curtains, upholstered furniture & carpet that were protected by Fiber ProTector would not be impaired and could therefore be used on board DNV classed vessels. Fiber ProTector has been used on 15 large passenger Cruise Ships after this certification was given.
Fiber ProTector is certified not to impair or impede the fire technical properties of treated textiles.

  Leather Flammability Report for FAA
FLAME-TEK specializes in FAA approved flammability testing of aircraft interior materials. Their activity in the FAA’s flammability working group ensures they are up to date and compliant on all regulations and Methods of Compliance (MOCs). 4 Castle Rock Leather Samples were tested, 2 with Fiber ProTector and 2 without.
The Fiber ProTector treated leather samples did not show any negative flammability effects & passed the Flammability Test for FAA Certification.

  Air Permeability Test
This air permeability test performed by FITI Testing & Research Institute, shows that fabric treated with Fiber ProTector retains its breathability. Linen fabric was tested before and after being treated with Fiber ProTector and the results were clear, the ability of air to pass through the fabric is not affected.

  Comparison Test of Fiber ProTector Treated vs. Untreated Carpet
Teknologisk Institutt, now known as Kiwa, a leader in the European Testing, Inspection & Certification industry, performed the comparison testing of Fiber ProTector treated carpet verses untreated carpet. The testing evaluated 5 different factors over a period of 1 year. The results and conclusions are as follows:
In the Texture & Color Test, there was no change to the Fiber ProTector treated carpet under a 4-50x microscope.
In the Fiber Loss Test, there was no difference of fiber loss between the protected & unprotected carpets.
In the Antistatic Properties Test, the Fiber ProTector carpet gave a personal charge of up to 700% less than the untreated carpet, which means that carpets protected with Fiber ProTector are significantly more Antistatic (up to 7 times more Antistatic) than untreated carpets.
In the Dirt Absorption Test, the results showed that a significantly greater amount of dirt was able to be removed from the Fiber ProTector treated carpets verses the untreated carpets. This means that vacuuming is much more effective, leaving less dirt & soil in the carpet fibers that causes wear and a dirty appearance. Removing more dirt & soil from carpets also decreases the frequency of professional cleanings over a carpet’s lifespan. The year-long tests conclude that Fiber ProTector treated carpets will have a strong positive influence on an indoor environment.

  WoolSafe EnviroSeal Certificate
Fiber ProTector (Water-Based) is the 1st and ONLY protection product in the world to be awarded with the WoolSafe EnviroSeal® Certification. EnviroSeal is an evaluation and certification program for environmentally responsible maintenance products suitable for use on carpets, rugs, and furnishing fabrics containing natural or synthetic fibers. Products are evaluated and certified by ENCO Global Testing Services, a leading environmental testing facility, providing environmental testing and consultancy to companies worldwide. EnviroSeal® certification is a crucial independent confirmation of a cleaning product’s environmentally responsible formulation, and an integral part of an ecological, “green” cleaning maintenance program. A product must increase the useful life of a carpet or rug, thus helping the environment to be awarded with the EnviroSeal® certification.

Fabric Protector NZ

Not all fabric protectors are made equal, effective or safe. Premium Surface Protection products, Fiber ProTector and MicroSeal, are the safest, most effective furniture protection solutions in the world.
Where do I find a professional fabric protector company in NZ?

Premium Surface Protection have a national list of qualified applicators who use Fiber ProTector and MicroSeal protection solutions.
Just contact us for an Applicator nearest you home or business.

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“Hi Brad, A Customer just called to pass on his thanks to you and the team, said you were very professional and personable, and they couldn’t be more grateful to you.
Really appreciate it, what excellent feedback!”

Imogen Angus | Assistant Manager – KING Auckland

Nothing Like Diamonds For Christmas

Nothing Like Diamonds For Christmas

“Our beautiful showroom interior is an architectural mix of masculine and feminine, with the elegance of our fine jewellery being offset by stunning concrete and glass elements, making a visit to our showroom a unique and memorable experience.

The Diamond Shop 


Nestled in the heart of Ponsonby, Auckland, The Diamond Shop stands as a beacon of opulence, where every gleaming gem tells a story of timeless elegance. Recently, as The Diamond Shop prepared to unveil its new store, a meticulous decision was made beyond diamonds – the careful preservation of the entire ambiance, from the bespoke sofas to the exquisite cushions. In the pursuit of safeguarding luxury beyond diamonds, The Diamond Shop turned to Premium Surface Protection.

In the realm of diamonds, perfection is paramount, and it extends to every facet of The Diamond Shop’s experience.


Why would a high-end Diamond Shop choose PSP for such a delicate mission?

In an environment where every facet must reflect brilliance, The Diamond Shop understands the imperative of not just protecting diamonds but also the ambiance that cradles them. Diamonds, with their timeless allure, deserve surroundings that mirror their enduring beauty. Thus, the choice to engage PSP was a seamless extension of a commitment to excellence.

The PSP Touch

As craftsmen of refined environments, we brought our expertise to Ponsonby. Our protective shield became an invisible guardian, forming an imperceptible barrier against life’s unpredictable moments. From spills of celebratory champagne to the caress of gentle hands admiring the brilliance of diamonds, the surfaces embrace moments without a trace.

A Symphony of Protection and Aesthetics


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Much like the facets of a diamond, each piece of furniture in The Diamond Shop is unique, with its own story to tell. PSP’s approach mirrors this individuality with our bespoke solutions blending seamlessly into the aesthetics. For a store where every touchpoint is an experience, PSP was the silent partner, ensuring that each interaction with the luxurious lounges and cushions are marked by comfort and pristine elegance – the preservation of experience, touch, and moments.

We are honoured to have been part of The Diamond Shop’s journey, contributing to the harmonious blend of diamonds and perfection in Ponsonby.

Explore the brilliance at The Diamond Shop and experience the seamless fusion of elegance and protection.


Premium Surface Protection

PHOTO CREDIT: The Diamond Store + Ruby Jayne

Fabric Protector NZ

Not all fabric protectors are made equal, effective or safe. Premium Surface Protection products, Fiber ProTector and MicroSeal, are the safest, most effective furniture protection solutions in the world.
Where do I find a professional fabric protector company in NZ?

Premium Surface Protection have a national list of qualified applicators who use Fiber ProTector and MicroSeal protection solutions.
Just contact us for an Applicator nearest you home or business.

MicroSeal_Logo  Premium Surface Protection NZ & Fiber Protector


“Hi Brad, A Customer just called to pass on his thanks to you and the team, said you were very professional and personable, and they couldn’t be more grateful to you.
Really appreciate it, what excellent feedback!”

Imogen Angus | Assistant Manager – KING Auckland

Southern Rail UK Trial Fabric & Carpet Protection

Southern Rail UK Trial Fabric & Carpet Protection


Can a fibre protection product extend the cleanliness and lifespan of public transport fabric seats and carpet? We all know public transport fabric seats and carpet can become stained and dirty very quickly, so will a fibre protection product keep customers satisfied while using the public train system?


Southern Rail faced challenges with their seats and carpets becoming stained and dirty, leading to dissatisfied passengers and escalating cleaning expenses to maintain the expected level of vehicle presentation. The cleanliness of seats and carpets plays a pivotal role in passenger satisfaction, making it a top priority for train operators. However, achieving and preserving a spotless appearance demands considerable time and cost investment.


Unipart Rail enthusiastically endorsed the Fiber ProTector textile protection system as a solution to minimise daily deep cleaning efforts and the related expenses. Multiple trials were conducted, and the cleaning staff received comprehensive training. One of the trials took place at the Southern Selhurst Depot in South London, where Fiber ProTector was expertly applied using a pressure sprayer, ensuring thorough coverage of the seats and carpets in their passenger transport vehicles.

The positive outcomes of these trials paved the way for more efficient and cost-effective maintenance practices.

The process was straight forward and fairly quick with the application to a full carriage only taking approximately 20 minutes.


With Fibre ProTector, spills and stains can be swiftly eliminated from the fabric, preventing permanent staining. This efficient stain resistance makes cleaning quicker and easier, requiring only a damp microfiber cloth and a speedy vacuuming process. As a result, labour time and the need for cleaning products are significantly reduced, leading to a remarkable extension in the lifespan of the fibers and maintaining the fabrics and carpets’ vibrant, “new-like” appearance.

The life of Fiber ProTector for this Southern Rail application is long lasting and will only require to be reapplied every 2-3 years.


Southern Rail are extremely pleased with the performance of the Fiber ProTector product and are implementing the application of Fiber ProTector across their entire fleet.

The following are the outstanding results from the application:

   75% reduction in the amount of chemicals used

   75% quicker cleaning of vehicles during turnaround operations

   50% reduction in deep cleaning time

   Improved efficiency of the cleaning teams

   Improved life of the fabrics

   Improved passenger satisfaction due to the quality of cleanliness in the vehicles

Fibre Protector NZ

We have professional teams on standby available to answer any question you have. We also have Service Applicators nationally to apply the fiber protection textile protection system on any size commercial area or surface needed. Call us on 0800 001 069, or get in Contact with us.


– Brad Tyrrell, Managing Director

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“Hi Brad, A Customer just called to pass on his thanks to you and the team, said you were very professional and personable, and they couldn’t be more grateful to you.
Really appreciate it, what excellent feedback!”

Imogen Angus | Assistant Manager – KING Auckland

Premium Surface Protection Fiber protection Certification